Wednesday, July 20, 2011

so long since my last update

I know, it’s been so long since I’ve posted. My internet hasn’t been working at my apartment and the Powells were out of town last week. I am still alive in Ukraine, I promise.

I’m coming up on the 6-week mark. Crazy, right? I can’t believe I’ve been here so long. But that means I only have about 2 weeks left. I’m trying to make the most of every moment that I have left.

Since my last post, I’ve been doing basically the same things. Going to the sea with the youth. Spending time with my host family. Working with children in nearby villages. Going to church. Hanging out with the youth. Learning Russian. Drinking lots of tea and coffee. All things I’m thoroughly enjoying.

This past Saturday we had our last day camp at the Dmitrivka church. We actually had children from Dmitrivka, Shivchanka, and a few from Berdyansk. All together, there were over 20 kids! Praise Jesus! We actually ran out of chairs and had to get some from the storage room. We sang lots of songs, and had a Bible lesson, which was about choosing the narrow way rather than the wide path. We had snack time, and I think the amount of cookies multiplied because I don’t remember bringing that many into the church. We reviewed all that I had taught them thus far in English, “What is your name?” “My name is ______.” “How old are you?” “I’m ____.” “Where do you live?” “I live in _______.” And counting from 1 to 10. Just like I have trouble with pronouncing some Russian words, they struggle with pronunciation of English words. But they are super adorable, and they try really hard.

This Friday and Saturday we are doing a 2-day camp at another village farther away, so we won’t be at Dmitrivka. I’m excited. We’ll be doing the same types of things: games, Bible lesson, crafts, English club, snacks, and singing. We’ll probably start around 8 or 9 each morning and it’ll probably end around 2pm, because it just gets too hot.

My Russian vocabulary is expanding rapidly. Luda is very impressed by how well I retain information. And my youth are always trying to teach me new things. Most recent, a few have been focusing on my pronunciation of words. I’m working on it, ha ha. I’m getting better at reading Russian and singing along during church. Though sometimes, I just make up words as I go.

Next week, I’ll be going camping with the youth. Literally camping. Like in a tent. From Monday until Saturday. You are allowed to laugh now. I’m really excited, because the youth are really excited for me to be there. But the extent of my camping experience is staying with my grandparents in an air-conditioned camper. And the extent of sleeping in a tent is attempting to sleep in Erin & Cacy Ellis’ yard and always ending up in the house. So it will definitely be an experience. I will take plenty of pictures.

A few pictures from a night of soccer on the beach.

This is Artyom’s father. He loves taking my picture, I’m not really sure why.

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